Top Questions
Does Golden Bay have an account minimum?
No, we do not require that a prospective client have a certain minimum to join our firm. We do believe, however, that our firm is a better match for those with more complicated wealth management and cash flow management needs.
Does Golden Bay receive compensation for investing in certain portfolios?
No. Golden Bay does not receive any compensation from any company or individual for the investments that we recommend. As a Registered Investment Advisor (“RIA”), we earn a fee based upon our assets under management - and that’s it.
What is your client mix? Do you work mostly with individuals or with institutions?
Roughly 90% of our clients are individuals and families, and it is not uncommon for us to manage money for multiple generations of the same family. (At one point, we were honored to be managing money for four generations of the same family.) The rest of our clients are businesses that entrust us to manage their retirement plans.
Who owns Golden Bay?
Matthew Krusko, the founder, is the sole owner of Golden Bay Advisors LLC.